10 things mentally strong people avoid

10 things mentally strong people avoid


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

268 week ago — 5 min read

Starting a business tests you in ways unimaginable. But amidst all the ups and downs, the only thing that can help you overcome the rough seas is your mental strength and when the time is testing, keeping your mental sanity might be a tough thing to do.

To make it all easier for you and to remind you time and again that no matter how tough the tide gets, you need to be mentally strong to fight it. Here is a list of 10 things that mentally strong people avoid.

1. Feeling sorry

As an entrepreneur, you stepped inside the Pandora’s Box knowing very well that each day would be a roller coaster ride of challenges and victories. Hence, when faced with trials, the last thing you can do is to feel sorry for yourself. Mentally strong people take charge of the situation and fight it out.

2. Blame game

Mentally strong people steer far away from the blame game. Whether you are blaming others for your actions or are blaming yourself for something, you must remember that you can’t forecast if something bad is about to happen.  Mentally strong people take accountability for their actions and move forward.

3. Avoiding discomfort

No matter how hard you try to avoid a situation that isn’t favorable, you can’t run away from it for long. Entrepreneurship is a game that can’t be played safe. And mentally strong people put themselves in difficult situations in order to emerge stronger and more powerful.

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4. Giving away control and power

Mentally strong people never allow the leash, which controls their power, to be handled by someone else. They are always in control of their emotions and know how to respond to any situation and this characteristic truly sets a mentally strong person apart from the crowd.

5. People pleasing

It is the truth that you can’t please everyone at all times. And mentally strong people aren’t people pleasers. They do what they think and feel is the right thing to do. They say ‘no’ when the situation demands and speak up for themselves when the need arises.

6. Dwelling in the past

As a small business owner this is the last thing you should do. Past is a time gone by and there is nothing you can do to change it. Of course, it’s another thing to learn a thing or two from your past mistakes and implement it in the present, but dwelling in the past seldom bears any fruits. Hence mentally strong people only look back to relish the times gone by and don’t repent or feel miserable for things that they can no longer change.

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7. Repeat mistakes

It’s absolutely natural to make mistakes but a mentally strong person learns from his mistakes and never repeats the same error twice. They take responsibility for their actions and correct themselves immediately.

8. Jealous of other’s success

It’s a good thing to be competitive but being resentful of other’s success is really not good. Mentally strong people appreciate and celebrate the wins of others and understand that every success story is different and it takes time. They single mindedly work towards their goals to achieve only the best.

9. Strive to be perfect

Mentally strong people understand that no one is perfect. Beauty lies in imperfection and mentally strong people accept the fact that they will fail multiple times before reaching their goal and it’s perfectly fine.

10. Give up

Last but not the least, mentally strong people never give up on anything. No matter how hard they have fallen, they seek strength in their failure and get up and face the world again.

And as Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “Strength doesn’t come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

After writing these points, I certainly feel motivated to make myself mentally stronger and fitter. Did it make you feel the same as well? What are the strengths you see in yourself that makes you mentally stronger? Do share them with us in the comments section below.

Also read:10 inspiring quotes from successful CEOs to help you finish the year strong


Image courtesy: shutterstock.com


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