4 things I’ve learned from running a social enterprise

4 things I’ve learned from running a social enterprise


Paul Andrei Medina

Paul Andrei Medina

271 week ago — 4 min read

After an accident that rendered me to become a person with disabilities (PWD), it has become my advocacy to empower my fellow PWDs, which led me to building my own social enterprise, Green Rubber Footwear.

Social entrepreneurship is one of the ways to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills. Learning how social entrepreneurship works, made me realize that it can be a way to provide economic empowerment to the marginalized sector like the PWDs community.

But like any other business, running a social enterprise is never an easy task. Here are the things I’ve learned from managing a social enterprise:

1. Find the right team

When you have a vision for your enterprise, it’s impossible for you to achieve it alone. You need to have the right team.  If you do it alone, it can be stressful.  I honestly struggled to find the right team. I’ve had failed attempts, but what I’ve learned is not to give up and to continue searching.

Having the same vision for your enterprise is one of the most important things you should consider when selecting the right team especially if you’re building your core members or looking for co-founders.

2. Persevere on empowering your chosen community
Every social enterprise is solving a social problem while empowering their chosen community. And as a founder of the enterprise, you have to constantly encourage your community for them to eventually see the bigger picture of your venture. You can provide technical and soft skills training to equip them. Social entrepreneurship isn’t just about making profit, but it’s also about making an impact in your chosen community. 

3. Find the right mentor and network with your fellow entrepreneurs
The weight of managing your venture would be lighter when you know that you are not alone in the journey. Find your network of entrepreneurs within your area, connect with them, and learn from each other.

It’s also important to find the right mentor particularly if you don’t have enough background for running a business. Having a mentor will help you navigate your enterprise and guide you when making important decisions for your business.

4. Collaborate with private and public institutions
If you want to grow fast, then you should learn how to foster partnership with public and private institutions. Look for organizations that believe in the same advocacy as you.  Share your “whys” and your vision behind establishing a social enterprise with them. There are chances that you will be meeting organizations or people who would be keen to support and invest in your enterprise.

These are the things I’ve learned from running a social enterprise. The journey is never trouble-free, but knowing that you’re making an impact and solving a pressing issue is always worth the ride.

To explore business opportunities, link with me by clicking on the 'Connect' button on my eBiz Card.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of GlobalLinker. 


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Paul Andrei Danag Medina

Social Entrepreneur who helps marginalized sector in the community.