7 essential skills for entrepreneurs to learn

7 essential skills for entrepreneurs to learn


Ginger Arboleda

Ginger Arboleda

228 week ago — 5 min read

Whether you’re new to business or you’ve been running yours for years, improving on your skills is an essential part of being a business owner. Whilst it may be overwhelming to choose at first, there are lots of skills you can work on that will benefit your business in the long run. From web design to customer service, the more you’re doing to help the growth of your business the better. With that in mind, here are 7 essential skills for entrepreneurs to learn: 

1. Web Design and development

When it comes to running your own business, ensuring you’re able to operate online is essential. Whether this is through social media channels or your business’ website, more and more people are looking to purchase products online. 

If you already have a website, learning web design skills will allow you to make important updates and changes to your site without having to rely on others. If you don’t have a website, learning web design and development skills will give you the opportunity to create one. 


2. Branding & Marketing

Branding and marketing are essential when it comes to running any business. So if you’re looking a skill that you’re definitely going to use during your time as an entrepreneur, this is the one. Whether you’re learning how to create branding guidelines or you’re discovering all of the ways in which you can market your business to your target audience, the more you know in these two areas the better. Luckily, there are lots of branding and marketing courses available for you to do. 

Also read: 5 things to keep your brand alive inside out

Social media management

Social media is another vital part of any business and if you’re looking to grow your brand online, the more social media skills you have the better. This could mean taking an in-depth look at a particular platform or learning how each of them can help you in different ways. In most cases, each social media platform will serve a different purpose for you and as a result, it’s important for you to learn where to position yourself. 

Although there are lots of skills you should be learning as a business owner, it doesn’t mean you have to learn them right away. These are all things you will slowly pick up as your business grows. 

4. Customer Service

Customer service is essential to every business owner, so if you have the opportunity to improve your skills you definitely should consider it. Whether this means learning about the importance of hiring a customer service team or learning how to improve your own skills, you need to be sure you’re providing a good service every time. 


5. Financial management

Another great skill to have as a business owner is financial management, as this will ensure you’re able to keep on top of your own finances. Although you may want to hire an accountant for the more difficult aspects of running your own business, learning how to keep track of your money each month is important. If you want to take a more in-depth course, that may be an option further down the line. 

6. Public relations

If you’re looking to increase the reach of your business but you don’t know where to begin, improving your skills in public relations can help. From learning how to approach media professionals to delving into the world of PR disasters, having these skills will certainly help you in the future. 


7. Photography

Finally, improving your skills in photography is a great way to ensure you’re able to take great product photos. Although you may want to hire a photographer for your professional website photos, being able to take high-quality photos that can be used on social media will give you the opportunity to post much more frequently. If you don’t have a camera, you may also want to consider a course in mobile photography. 

Although there are lots of skills you should be learning as a business owner, it doesn’t mean you have to learn them right away. These are all things you will slowly pick up as your business grows. 

Also read: An unprecedented challenges, also an opportunity for SMEs to do unprecedented things

What other skills do you need to learn? Have we missed anything off of the list? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. 

Image source: Freepik

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Ginger Palma Arboleda

I am an entrepreneur / tech start-up founder with businesses that revolve around the mission of helping entrepreneurs start their own businesses and help them sustain it. I have...