7 Ways Successful People Start their Day

7 Ways Successful People Start their Day

Leadership & Management

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

530 week ago — 3 min read

We often wonder what is it that successful people do differently that makes their lives more fulfilling and productive. The answer more often than not lies in how they start their day.


1. Rise with the rooster
Successful people realise that time is precious and since through the day they can get caught up in meetings, emails and phone-calls, early morning time is when they can really spend some quality quiet time to reflect and plan the day ahead. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi wakes up at 4am, and is in office no later than 7am.


2. Make exercise a priority in the morning
An important priority activity for successful people in the mornings is some form of physical exercise. Even incredibly busy CEOs give importance to exercising in the morning. Be it a run, yoga, walk or a work out in the gym – successful people believe in investing in their health. Apple CEO Tim Cook is in the gym by 5am every morning.

3. Meditate to revitalise their energy
Many successful people start the day with meditation or some spiritual activity to calm their minds and face the day with greater energy and vigour.

4. Map out their day
Mornings are a good time to map out the schedule for the day and create a to-do list. Planning the day or week is an important time management tool. However, plans need to be flexible and adaptable.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast
Successful people realise that breakfast is the best way to nourish and fuel the body for the tasks ahead. Besides this is a good time to bond with your spouse and child

6. Read the news
Whether it’s reading the newspaper, checking the news on TV, or on the internet -- most successful people like to keep abreast of what is happening in the world. This helps them determine, validate or alter priorities, based on a strong perspective that stays current.

7. Do difficult tasks first 
We all have tasks on our to-do lists that we are loathe to do. Successful people tackle these challenging tasks first thing in the morning when they are fresh and energised. As the day progresses, energy levels may drop and hence, it is prudent to undertake the relatively easier tasks later in the day.


Some of these ways to start the day can be the key to success in your life. Indeed the adage “well begun is half done” holds especially true for successful people.

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GlobalLinker Staff

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