A resume never lies! 3 questions to ask yourself while preparing a CV

A resume never lies! 3 questions to ask yourself while preparing a CV

Learning & Development

Josh Martin

Josh Martin

159 week ago — 4 min read

Whether you are a freshly graduated student or someone looking for a job, the very first thing you need is a shining resume. Students often consult various resume writing service providers and other online professionals regarding their resumes because they know the importance of this document very well. 


Before you start working on your resume, ensure you have all the necessary documents with you, such as your mark sheets, your degree, your details, and other certificates, as these will serve as the information you will use in your resume. Coming back to the three confusions, take a look at the following questions.

 1. Will the employer be able to analyse my past jobs? 

Yes, employers can see all your past jobs if you have had any. While hiring you, a company runs a few background checks that help them understand your work abilities and your behaviour with previous employers. They can easily find out your entire work history if they get interested in you, however, the apt thing to do is mention everything you have done so far. Attaching references from previous employers can be a good sign for your document as you will not require any reference number, to begin with, and it will put you in good light. If you have something from your past job, some incident that the employer must be aware of, it looks good when it comes from you else, if they hear about it from someone else, your candidature will be in jeopardy. 

2. Skills or qualifications? What should you place first? 

This is another important thing that students stay confused about. Every type of CV has a different structure. If you have skills that might be helpful in the role that you are applying you must highlight them, however, it also depends on whether your resume is following a chronological order or is it in free format. In both cases, are required to follow the order, and thus it depends on what order you are following. Also, a chunk of this depends on what type of role you are applying for. 


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3. How frequently should I update my resume? 

Once you have drafted your resume, the concern that students have is how frequently the document must be updated so that the document is complete. First of all, no you should not put a job that you have just started in your resume. Putting a job that you have not spent at least a month on your resume shows your lack of dedication. Always keep in mind, you should update your resume only when you have changed a job or you have updated your skillset with a course. 


These three confusions can hamper your chances of getting a job or making an impression in front of your lawyer. What you need to understand is a resume is not just a one-time document, you have to keep maintaining it. In case you find things to be difficult on your own, you can refer to a resume writing service to get your document drafted. Hope this article helps you out. Good luck.


Also read: Questions to ask potential employers in an interview


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Image source: pexels

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