Focus: 5 steps to find it

Focus: 5 steps to find it

Learning & Development

Arvind Gupta

Arvind Gupta

294 week ago — 4 min read

Summary: In an age riddled with distractions, focus is often an elusive thing. Therefore, for entrepreneurs and professionals, finding ways to stay focused is the secret to greater productivity, success and satisfaction. There is immense fulfillment in accomplishing what you set out to do, overcoming all distractions and disruptions. Arvind Gupta shares some practical tips to find your focus.


Stephen Covey says this about focus, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."

All of us have dreams and aspirations but turning them into reality calls for a little work. It requires you to identify a goal and map the steps you need to take to reach there. For example, if you wish to be a musician, there is a certain amount of time and practice required to be able to perform flawlessly as an artist. This is possible only by focusing on the goal.  


Here are five simple tips that will help you inculcate razor-sharp focus. 


1. Declutter

Keep your workspace clutter-free and remove anything that is not required to complete the task at hand. It takes just a few minutes to tidy up before you sit down to work, but it makes a big difference in how you think. It’s good to discard things that have served their purpose and no longer add value or happiness.


2. Detox digitally

Executing this is tough. But the upside is that you can finish your tasks faster, without your mobile or screen interrupting you with numerous messages. Turn off your notifications on the screen and switch your phone to airplane mode while working on an important task. And parents, if you’re spending time with your children, the same applies to you too! 


3. Break it down

Sometimes a job seems overwhelming and it is difficult to identify where to begin. Try breaking down the project into smaller chunks that take lesser time to complete. Say, for example, you need to prepare a presentation and the deadline is very tight. Break it down into sections and focus on doing just one section within a certain time limit. A prescribed time limit helps maintain your focus on the task at hand.


4. Reward yourself

Yes, reward yourself. Give yourself a small treat if you finish the task within the timeframe you had set for yourself. It can be a cup of tea you had been yearning for or a phone call with a friend. If you like, you could maintain a point tally and when you reach a target number, buy something nice for yourself.


5. Ask for support

If you still find it difficult to keep your focus steady, enlist the support of a family member or friend to help you until you learn to do it yourself. Maintain a journal or blog about your experiences. The support of a fellow traveller is a powerful motivator to keep your goal in sight and help you focus better. 


As entrepreneurs, persistent focus, can help you achieve your goals. Do share in the comments section below your tips for staying focused. 


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