V Arun Kumar, Director, Primark Garments

V Arun Kumar, Director, Primark Garments

SME Inspirations

Malavika Jaggi

Malavika Jaggi

274 week ago — 7 min read

Enterprise: Primark Garments
Director: V Arun Kumar
Industry: Textile, Apparel & Leather
Year it was founded: 2013
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana 


Meet V Arun Kumar, who specialises in the manufacturing of various categories of uniforms ranging from police, security, school uniforms to hospitality, promotional wear and corporate uniforms. After completing his MBA in International Marketing in 2012 Arun was inspired to start a business of his own and identified this niche sector. A recent feather in his cap is being recognised for ‘Best Employee Practices’ in the micro enterprise sector as part of the Telangana State Industries Awards 2019.

GL: Arun, tell us how did you start your business journey?

Arun: I completed my MBA in International Marketing from UWIC, UK in 2012, after which I worked for a year at BIZ Solutions, an online retail marketing company. That one year gave me insight into starting a business of my own. I decided to come back to India and started Primark Garments in the year 2013. My motivator was the owner of an Indian restaurant, Purple Poppadam, Chef Anand George, who encouraged me to start a business. I realised thus that I could contribute to the sector of security uniforms and corporate uniforms and facility management, in terms of quality of the garments, timely delivery and effective pricing. This was the force behind the birth of Primark Garments.



GL: What has been the most effective way to raise awareness about your business?


Arun: We excel in terms of garment quality, pricing and their timely delivery that helps us bag back-to-back orders and get references by our valued clients. We also actively promote our business through various social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. Thirdly, we participate in business conferences and garment exhibitions to make sure we are able to carve a niche for ourselves in this ever-competitive sector.


In the garment sector, what gives a true cutting edge is excellence in terms of garment quality, pricing and their timely delivery. We make sure we give our best to every pair of uniform we deliver.


GL: Congratulations on being recognised in the Telangana State Industries Awards 2019. What is your secret to bigger, better and faster growth?


Arun: In the garment sector, what gives a true cutting edge is excellence in terms of garment quality, pricing and their timely delivery. We as a company believe in quality of orders rather than quantity or number of orders we get. We make sure we give our best to every pair of uniform we deliver and that helps us earn the unflinching trust of our clients and customers. If we as a business are growing into a bigger, better and faster one, it’s because we focus on assured quality and excellence and competing against our last delivery rather than diverting our focus on to what other companies are doing and how. 



GL: You are a Linker. What offerings of GlobalLinker have benefitted you?

Arun: GlobalLinker is an outlook-giver. It not only helps spread awareness but also helps us get in touch with other entrepreneurs in the sector. Also, we got first-hand information about the Telangana Industry Awards (which we recently won) and many such awards on the platform. Other SMEs should use GlobalLinker to get better exposure, not just within the country but also globally.


Also read: Dipankar Ghosh, Director, Disrupvation Digital Pvt Ltd


GL: Any words of wisdom for entrepreneurs who are just starting out? Also, what advice would you give to your younger self?


Arun: I believe that thorough research is where it all starts. One must assess which sector would be befitting to get into; the kind of investment that is required initially; and the future of that business. These days it is not uncommon to see several startups beginning with high hopes and shutting down fast due to lack of planning and loopholes in their agenda. Hence planning and a vision for the future, backed by solid, well-informed research is vital.

Honestly, I would advise my younger self to have enough patience to wait for revenue to start building up in the bank account. Entrepreneurs must have the ability to patiently survive in the competitive market and not to have the over-confidence of an amateur and the attitude of a daily wager. To believe that one is in the business for the long run goes a long way.


GL: What is the next big thing on your business agenda?


Arun: To increase the production value by increasing manpower and in the next five years to feature in the top 50 garment companies in the country.


GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur


  • Every day you wake up at? 6 am
  • The first thing you do when you wake up? Head for my daily work-out in the gym with my personal trainer.
  • Three things you do to unwind/ relax are? Leaving the issues of yesterday and focusing on what best I can do to beautify my present (living in the moment), getting good sleep and listening to music.
  • When you face a big challenge? I consciously focus on the everyday tasks at hand while leaving the big challenge into my subconscious system which keeps drastically unearthing novel solutions to the problem. There is a whole minefield at work inside me while on the outside I go on as my usual self.
  • The best piece of advice you have ever been given? Be positive, aim big and focus on your own self and your own problems and certainly not those of others!
  • The one book everyone should read? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Also read: Necessity is the mother of all inventions, proves this mompreneur


Network with V Arun Kumar by clicking on the 'Connect' button on his profile.


Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member. 

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