How women power change

How women power change

Women Entrepreneurship

Akriti Garg

Akriti Garg

305 week ago — 7 min read

Summary: GlobalLinker member and business owner, Akriti Garg shares the qualities that women have in abundance that make them excel as entrepreneurs and become agents of positive change.


When I was growing up, listening to tales of Cinderella and her midnight adventure to find her one true love, I realised that the theme of most stories was similar...a damsel in distress, true love that finds her and saves her. I often thought, is this our purpose or aspiration in life? I’m no feminist but brought up in a family where men and women were equals in all aspects. I grew up with the confidence to take on the world.

With the passage of time, I saw myself seeing other women break the stereotypes of society and step into avenues which one could say were ‘male-dominated’. Even Disney movies became about the princess being able to stand up and save herself and the prince from all! I liked to see where this was heading. The little girls from generations to follow us will be surrounded by stories and female icons who have stood firm in their ambition and achieved their goals. When you have such a change in the ecosystem and point of view of parenting, we are bound to bring up exceptionally talented young women, who some may call stubborn or high-headed, but who have an admirable passion for their goals and ambitions.

Today, most companies favour an equal hiring policy and there has been a drastic rise in the number of successful women business owners. There is a reason why…maybe multiple. Women bring to the table a lot more than just finesse or skill.

Women excel at multi-tasking
Most women who are mothers, work full time and take care of their families too. Plus, they don multiple roles of a mentor, guide, teacher, etc which makes them an asset in any field.

My own mother is a living example of the above statement. Always keen to help my father in the factory, and assist my grandfather in his political engagements, she juggled it all with finesse.

Women are much stronger than they let off
Don’t let a petite demeanor or soft-spoken words fool you, in general women don’t aggressively flaunt their strengths. But when push comes to shove, she will remain standing even when the strongest of souls around crumble.

I have seen this live with one of the manufacturers I worked with. Battling a bad marriage, she went out on her own with just about 500 rupees in her pocket. Starting with humble jobs in an export unit, she is today a successful manufacturer, with a workforce of 20 men, and a business that has stood the test of time for three decades.

Women manage to find a silver lining in almost every situation

Maybe it is the way we are built, but women come programmed in a way that no matter how dire or hopeless a situation, they find a way to move forward and help others along with them to move ahead. I saw this first hand with Monica, who founded Leukemia Crusaders. She went through three years of her life, supporting her son through Leukemia treatment. When most parents are told their child has cancer, they break down or are unable to function normally.  She not only helped her son overcome Leukemia but also went on to start an organisation, which helps fund cancer treatment for children.

In the same context how about café Sheroes run by acid attack victims in Agra, India? When no one would employ these women because of how they looked, they found a way to be financially independent and make a positive impact on everyone who comes to their café. There is just so much inspiration to be found over a cup of tea.

Women, in general, are great at compartmentalising
Most of us know how to keep different aspects of our lives separate and function without any overlaps. Like – work is work – no compromises, you have my full attention, but when I’m at home its 'family time' or 'my time'. Even with workplace relationships, most women are able to make it work without their productivity or workplace being affected.

I know of so many women in this respect who make a work-life balance look like child’s play. Kudos ladies!

Emotions and empathy are their strength
Ladies and gentlemen, try moving past the image of a woman breaking down at work because she was criticised or fired. Emotions are expressed in different ways; some express them out loud in front of everyone, and others quietly in the bathroom or behind the driving wheel listening to Adele sing her emotions.  


But the fact remains – women are great at picking on and reciprocating emotions. If an employee is low, aggressive or there is a workplace conflict, or you have a disgruntled customer, a woman will be your safest bet in identifying the root problem and addressing it appropriately. They are quick to connect with people, as they respond to their emotion, not their situation. A very classy example of this is the nurse who refused to leave her patient’s side even though her shift was over, just because she was able to comfort her. In fact, I even noticed this, when an air hostess on the flight I was on, was insulted and even threatened by a male passenger just because she wouldn’t serve him more drinks. Anyone else would have retaliated or replied back, but she stood firm, with her head held high and managed the situation with great calm. I’m sure the passenger must have felt embarrassed about his behaviour later, once the wine wore off. Even a powerful CEO of a hospital chain, went out of her way to help an employee in distress winning their loyalty for life.

Women have always ended up surprising others, with their resolve, strength, dedication, and dexterity. I could go on writing about the fantastic women I meet each day, who slay demons, scale mountains and fight dogmas in their own way…every day.


To explore business opportunities, link with me by clicking on the 'Invite' button on my eBiz Card.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, official policy or position of GlobalLinker. 

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Akriti Garg

From being the curator of each concept to the logistics and operations manager, I do it all from my baby! My main area of interest is developing campaigns and ideas which strike...

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