Minimise clutter to maximise productivity

Minimise clutter to maximise productivity

Health & Lifestyle

Harshit Kapadia

Harshit Kapadia

338 week ago — 7 min read

Research indicates that there is a correlation between productivity and clutter. Productivity declines wherever clutter and chaos prevail. The correlation between the human mind and their dwelling is further reinforced in Vastu & Feng Shui - ancient sciences that delve into the impact of the environment on the human mind. Applying the principles of Vastu & Feng Shui can significantly improve the energy levels of a property. Merely observing 8 directions and following thumb rules of Vastu and Feng Shui is incomplete, there is something beyond directions and thumb rules. Let’s understand in detail.


Vastu and Feng Shui can be incorporated for:

  • Mind and thoughts energies or Man Vastu = dealing with human mind
  • Earth energies or Bhoomi Vastu = for land
  • Business energies or Vyaapaar Vastu = for place of business
  • Home energies or Gruha Vastu = for place of residence
  • Bedroom energies or Shayan Vastu = for bedrooms and beds
  • Vehicle or Yaan Vastu = for vehicles


Mind and thoughts energies play a very important role in human life. Thinking pattern and mental health is very important for success. Thinking positively is highly beneficial for mental health. Negative thoughts cause anxiety and depression. People who think positive expand their mind’s energies.


Determination, dedication and devotion leads to positive thinking and success. People tend to blame others or their property for their own lack of success and downfall. When things go wrong or any trouble happens, make a personal assessment and analyse the situation. In most of the cases, it is the mind that controls what you do and how you react to people and circumstances. Adopt a positive attitude and you will be amazed to see the difference.


Vastu and Feng Shui for ‘Mind and Thoughts’ is largely governed by storage spaces and clutter.



Storage space is required in each and every office and home. But you must be very careful in arranging the storage space. The storage space can be in the form of a room, cabinet, wardrobe or just shelves. It should be in proportion. Goods should be shuffled regularly. Even in retail outlets products displayed must be shuffled regularly.


What is clutter?

The word 'clutter' means junk or untidy collections of things. Any kind of obstacle to the smooth flow of energy is defined as ‘clutter’. This in turn creates a feeling of being stuck and confusion in the lives of the occupant. As soon as clutter accumulates energy becomes stagnant. Imagine a person sitting on a armchair for hours and hours without getting up, what happens? Their body gets stiff. The same way, when you store things which are not used frequently they make the energy of that space stiff and stubborn. Hence the clutter becomes a symptom of the things happening with you in your life and then becomes a part of problem itself. The more clutter you have, the more stagnant is the energy. Clutter accumulates bit by bit and then it slowly, grows and grows, and so does the stagnant energy around it starts accumulating, which then has a corresponding effect on your life.


Classifying clutter

Clutter includes:

  • Things that are untidy or disorganised

  • Belongings which you do not utilise regularly or love

  • Any junk goods

  • Too many things in a small place

  • Any unfinished article/ wall / furniture


Most people are just unaware how much clutter affects them. Clutter affects according to the type of person you are; how much of the stuff you have; which area you have stored; and for how long you have had it. People tend to keep old clothes, old shoes, old utensils, news papers, magazines, junk DVDs, etc. all these items when kept constantly without moving or utilising for long period constitutes clutter.


Effects of clutter

  • Keeps people in the past and prevents them from looking ahead

  • People feel drained and sluggish

  • Affects physical and mental health

  • Adds body weight

  • Creates lot of confusion in life and thoughts

  • People get attracted to wrong people

  • Creates disharmony

  • Depresses and discourages people

  • Affects creativity, understanding and enjoyment of life

  • Makes people disorganized

  • Distracts from important things


What is the reason for keeping clutter?

People give excuses such as “I am too busy”. If you can make time to acquire clutter (and people easily do that), then you need to make time to clear it and organise things. People cannot throw things away because they feel it will come in use someday. Keep a reasonable amount of storage which you are going to use regularly. Sometimes you may feel that you are attached to your belongings. This is because you feel that your own identity is tied up with them. It is fine to keep some gifts and mementos of happy times, provided they still have current value for you. If you have to store it for some reason, organise it, clean it and shuffle it regularly. Clean up your spaces regularly to attract positivity.


Avoid clutter in following places:

  • Centre of the property

  • Near doors

  • Behind the doors

  • Under the beds

  • Behind the beds

  • Under / above / on working or study desks


Important things to enhance energies of space around you:

  • Avoid spitting on roads as it disturbs earth energies

  • Avoid littering around your entrance and on roads

  • Avoid polluting space around you, earth and environment.

  • Avoid storage below the beds, in case of shortage of space, only sleeping material can be stored under the beds.

  • Think positive, be positive

  • Use Ashoka leaves / mango leaves torans with orange flowers for your doors as well as windows

  • Clear dried torans

  • Green bulbs can be added in the store area

  • The storage area must be kept neat and clean


De-clutter your environment to enhance the flow of energy and to boost productivity.

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