This Independence Day, five entrepreneurs share their idea of business freedom

This Independence Day, five entrepreneurs share their idea of business freedom


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

216 week ago — 6 min read

How do you know if you are ‘free’, what is the true measure of freedom?

If you have a larger vision beyond yourself, consistently strive to push your limits, work for the welfare of society and don’t let adversity get the better of you…you are free.


Interestingly, all these facets characterise entrepreneurs. Towards Independence Day, we decided to ask some entrepreneurs what freedom in business means to them.


A supportive team and environment spells freedom

“As an entrepreneur, freedom to me doesn’t necessarily mean being able to do whatever you want. Freedom, to me, means having the right set of people around you who support your vision. Starting with a core team who will do what it takes to make the product a success. A board of investors who see the world the way you do. A supportive team and environment is freedom for me as an entrepreneur.”

Surender Gounder, Founder-CEO, Tango Eye


Quest for personal independence leading to transformed workplace culture

“I got into business for myself because I wanted to improve the approach companies took towards HR. I found that money values were more predominant, and human values were getting sidelined. That is what motivates me to write now, to shift perceptions of decision-makers. 


Human Resource as a discipline has to be more rooted in human sciences - sociology, anthropology, psychology, physiology and behavioural sciences. I am glad I did that research for my book 'Have the women left Venus? Decoding gender @ workplace' available on Amazon (also available in Hindi "Nari Aur Karya Kshetra Ek Nayi Raah"). I find that even something as simple as interpersonal skills or motivation, for which we use western concepts to guide our behaviour or interpret others' behaviour, we end up confusing each other. You see we forget that culture creates a miasma - in patriarchy, the behaviour gets misinterpreted, leading to non-results. But as Aiswarya said in my book, "it depends on how we choose to go around the mountain."

So that's what my independence has led to - a whole new way of workplace culture.” 

Geet Mala Jalota, Director, Askgeet HRD Solutions OPC Pvt Ltd


Freedom to love what you do

“Entrepreneurs have a free spirit, and that's why they are passionate about the work they do. Freedom is always liberating and makes you achieve what you desire.


As an entrepreneur for the last 14 years, I see immense benefit in bringing freedom in my work and business. Freedom, for me, means:

  • Responsibility to create a benefit to the customer.
  • Accountability to do the best you can and change as per the time.
  • Enjoy doing what you love for you to serve your best!
  • Go at your own pace and strive to get better than yourself every single day.


This Independence Day celebrate what you love doing the most!”

Ami Doshi, Founder-CEO, Building Blocks of Life


Ensuring that founding ideals and passion remain intact

“As the saying goes – ‘From every mountainside, let the freedom ring’. The same goes for every aspect of life, including – freedom in business.


Every business owner starts a business having a product /service in mind. True freedom in business is still having the same focus and passion for the product/service even after years of doing business. Over the years, the business owner gets so involved with the day to day hurdles and exhaustive terms and conditions laid by the Government that s/he loses the actual goal which s/he had set for themselves in terms of the product/service that he wanted to present. New Zealand and Singapore are the best examples of countries for ease of doing business. It helps you concentrate on growing the business rather than focusing on surviving the business. Apart from being your own boss, this is what as per me is the true freedom in business.”

Mayank Modi, Founder, Mayank Modi Fashions


Freedom to think and act independently

“For me, true freedom in business means:


I have the right to decide whom to sell and who not to, and I know the merits of my products and services.


I have the right to be flexible but honest, friendly, but firm in my values and never be afraid of losing business because of the price that the competition quoted.


I have the right to alter my business strategies due to changing market demands and situations.


I have the opportunity to experiment with innovative products knowing there is risk involved.  I take the risky route knowing fully well that there will be a hundred failures for every innovation to succeed. I believe in the time-tested statement, ‘This shall also pass’ and continue to do what I am doing with the confidence that I am doing my best for my country and society.


These are freedoms I enjoy that make me think independently and more important – honestly.”

Sridhar Narayanaswamy, Managing Partner, Innovatus Systems


Through their tenacity, team spirit and passion, these entrepreneurs embrace freedom in the real sense of the word each day.


Happy Independence Day.


Also read: Secrets about financial independence that can change your life post COVID


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Network with SMEs mentioned in this article by clicking on the 'Connect' button on their profile. Surender GounderGeet Mala JalotaAmi DoshiMayank ModiSridhar Narayanaswamy.

Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured members. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the members.

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