Tips to start the new year strong

Tips to start the new year strong

Learning & Development

Sridhar Narayanaswamy

Sridhar Narayanaswamy

196 week ago — 4 min read

2020 can be considered as a watershed in the history of mankind.  2021, let us believe, will be the year when our inner strengths come to the fore, ensuring that we fight back to normal life.

When the world went into lockdown, didn’t we adopt to the ‘online’ culture. Think about it – we perhaps became more disciplined following rules. We found new ways to save and to cut down on extravaganza. That is how we fought back and are fighting back, as the battle is not yet over.

Here are some factors that give us the strength to start the new year and to remain strong throughout.

Motivate yourself

Sometimes, we set a goal for ourselves and work towards it mechanically without enjoying the work. Try to change that approach. Find that single factor that excites you, so that your heart and mind work together making you progress towards the goal. Your enthusiasm will also stick on to others and when the desired result is achieved, it will not be a mere status update, but a celebration.

Also read: From boredom to boardroom - How to motivate yourself at work


Plan ahead

Suddenly we may find ourselves tempted to change the goal post simply because of the obstacles that come up. Well, no one knows the future but failing to plan is a sure way of planning to fail! When you set an exciting goal, also think about the obstacles and identify steps to mitigate them. An important point: Keep the plan flexible with alternate options to choose.

Also read: Make your business plan an ‘action plan’ for growth


Be realistic

Yes, we must set a goal that excites us, and we must plan ahead but also be realistic. If your objective is to increase your turnover in your business, set a goal that can be achieved in a step-by-step manner. Each step you cross will keep you motivated. A non-realistic objective means you may see your plans changing often and at the end of the year nothing would have been achieved.

Track your progress

While scoring a goal or in other words achieving the desired objective is the end-result, moving towards it, is by itself an accomplishment. This is true especially when we are coming out of the pandemic. Make sure, you record every success you score, minor or major and this by itself will ensure you don’t lose your momentum.


Cultivate your ‘well-wishers’ team

It is not about doing it all alone, especially in business. When you feel like quitting, you must have your well-wishers to cheer you up. Form a team of positive minded persons to rely upon and seek advice.


Be kind to yourself

Believe in the saying ‘this shall also pass’ when you come across obstacles that seem insurmountable. Celebrate with your kith and kin and your team, every success wholeheartedly. Do not beat up yourself for any failure but take steps to avoid them being repeated.

Above all, believe that, for every problem there will be a solution and that we must look for the solution rather than harping on the problem.

Wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful new year.


Also read: My business resolutions for the new year


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Sridhar Narayanaswamy

Managing partner of Innovatus Systems, founded by him on January 1, 2013. Sridhar is a result oriented professional with over four decades in the Information Technology &...

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