To the original superhero – Happy Mother’s Day

To the original superhero – Happy Mother’s Day


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

282 week ago — 6 min read

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." - Cardinal Mermillod

Truly, a mother’s love knows no bounds. She is a comforter during stormy nights and a cheerleader in big and small wins. 

Mother’s Day is that time of the year when we get to say our heartfelt thanks to our mothers for bringing us into this world, raising us right and making us who we are today. As the world gears up to celebrate this day, GlobalLinker members, Jeevika Kher and Girish Sachdev share their thoughts on Mother’s Day and why this day is so special for them.

Mothers are one of the first indications of the sovereignty of God in our lives. They teach us to be confident and to have faith in ourselves. A mother is the ‘light of the family’. Every mother has an incredible opportunity to influence the next generation by being a good mother every day.

Jeevika Kher is a coaching expert who provides professional services and coaching solutions to SMEs and other professionals. A boss lady and a mother herself, Jeevika believes in matching steps with her children to reach the right destination. For her, Mother’s Day is a celebration of the unconditional love, sacrifice and the positive influence mothers have on our society.

She shares, “For mothers, each day becomes their children’s day starting from the moment they hold their tiny bundles of joy in their hands for the first time. Mothers are one of the first indications of the sovereignty of God in our lives. They teach us to be confident and to have faith in ourselves. Mothers know from experience how important it is for their children to believe in themselves in order for them to grow as strong individuals with a healthy self-esteem. A mother is the ‘light of the family’. Every mother has an incredible opportunity to influence the next generation by being a good mother every day."

You can’t fill from an empty cup
She shares one piece of advice that every Mother needs to hear – “Intentionality is very important during the years that we raise our family. Be intentional about your own healing from life's hurts. Be intentional about taking care of yourself. Be intentional about investing in your marriage. Be intentional about parenting. Be intentional about homemaking. Self love helps us become better Mothers. It teaches our children how to take care of themselves first. After all, you can’t fill from an empty cup.  One should not underestimate the power of mother’s love and influence."

Teammates for life
Jeevika shares, "For me, being a mother means, a piece of my heart now lives outside of me. Me and my kids learn to match our steps - sometimes they walk a little faster to keep up, but mostly I slow down; not because they can’t keep up, but because I want to constantly stay focused on the destination.  Once you understand the duality of the equation and start respecting your kids as individuals, you really start enjoying this journey of motherhood.”


She adds, “Me and my kids - we are a pretty good team. I get credits every time they cross a hurdle. Every achievement, wins me applause. They excel, I'm rewarded. They shine, and I’m in the limelight. They continue to take the long bold strides and move forward, and I just keep going higher and higher on that pedestal. I'm not sure of how much I created but my kids created a whole new me- the Super Mom.  A famous saying goes, "God could not be everywhere and so he invented mothers", these are not mere words but a great inspiration to all mothers across the world. For a mother who puts her children before anything else, including their own comfort and happiness, enjoy the blessing of being a mother, relish motherhood to the fullest. Happy Mother’s Day!”

For Girish Sachdev, Mother’s Day has been a life celebration. From setting up the base of a successful lifestyle business and holding hands and mentoring her kids all along the business journey, Girish’s mother, Dimple Sachdev has played an instrumental role in her children’s lives.

My mother has been single-handedly taking our family business and us forward. She has been our inspiration and the light at the end of the tunnel.

No greater hero than a mother
Girish shares, “Mother’s Day is surely a day to be celebrated but for us it has been a life celebration. In our case our mother has been single handedly taking our family business and us forward. She has been our inspiration and the light at the end of the tunnel. Till today she guides us and pushes us to strive for betterment. This Mother’s Day, I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for all her efforts in making us good human beings. She is our true “Annapurna” (a word derived from Sanskrit which means giver of food and nourishment). Our mother has always fulfilled all our wishes like a true goddess, keeping our needs above all.”


This reminds us of the short excerpt of the famous poem titled ‘My Mother’ by late Dr APJ Abdul Kalam in his book ‘Wings of Fire’:

Mother! My Mother!
When at midnight I woke with tears falling on my knee
You knew the pain of your child, My Mother,
Your caring hands, tenderly removing the pain
Your love, your care, your faith gave me strength,
To face the world without fear and with His strength.
We will meet again on the great Judgment Day, My Mother!


Interested in reading more articles on Mother’s Day? Check out our other articles here:
My mother's role in my life & business journey
Mother's Day: A daughter's tribute
Nurturing & giving wings to dreams: A tribute to mothers
Motherhood made possible: Everything you need to know about frozen embryo transfer


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